
The sweet smell of lilacs, the familiar pollen generated sneezes, and the longer days are here! So much to celebrate. Here’s what we are celebrating now at Potter’s Farm.

  • First quarter 2022 - The Farm was rented one weekend and with monthly sustainers and special donations income for the quarter was $1,700 while expenses were $10,000. Expenses we’re up a bit this month as the long awaited investment in improving the WiFi was accomplished, property taxes paid and larger than usual fuel bills were incurred. 

    Farm reservations for the year are happening which helps support making further investments in electrical needs and other improvements.

    Thank you to our monthly Sustainers Donors. And thanks to all of you booking stays and events at the Farm. 

  • Our Social Media platforms of Instagram @pottersfarmwisconsin and Facebook @potters.farm.inc are great ways to stay connected to Potter’s Farm when you aren’t actually at the Farm. Watch the seasons flourish and hear about upcoming events. And you know that moment when your friends say “So what is Potter’s Farm anyway?” Well, invite them to take a look by clicking “like us” and invite your friends. 

    Please go to our Potter’s Farm Facebook page: 
    1. Personally ‘like’ the page if you haven’t already done so.
    2. Then INVITE your FB friends to ‘like’ the page.

    This is an easy way to support the Farm. And we would greatly appreciate you inviting your Friends to the Potter’s Farm Family.

  • We will gather together as a People to Love the Farm with our talents and volunteerism on August 12-14, 2022.

    This is the annual work weekend hosted by the Board Members. YOU are invited to come and stay for free in exchange for helping with projects that need attention. Last year we completed a bridge on the trail to help make it more accessible along with other projects to generally improve the beauty of our spaces. This is an excellent time to introduce a friend or loved one to the Farm. In addition to working together, we also include time to play together. We know many hands make light work.

    We hope you will join us!

June is quite simply one of the best months to be in the Northwoods. Potter’s Farm is bathed in the sweet green energy of the Plant Nation. Don’t miss a chance to come visit soon!

Questions, comments, concerns? Contact Us!

In Service to You,

The Board Members of Potter’s Farm
Lauranne Bailey, president
Heather Pippin, vice-president
Bob Bowman, treasurer
Raven Bailey, secretary

Members at Large:
Grace Keller
Nora Knapik, SunCougar


Invest in What you Love, Let Love Invest in You


Burst Forth!